Lebanese MPs warned of possible tomato attacks

tomatoes-lebanon(BEIRUT, LEBANON) — The so-called “Tomato Revolution,” organized by the Civil Movement for Accountability, mailed their Lebanese lawmakers boxes of tomatoes as a reminder of what will be coming if they extend Parliament’s mandate for the second time in less than two years.

tomato-revolution-lebanonOn May 31, 2013, days before the scheduled parliamentary elections, MPs passed a draft law that extended their mandate for 17 months.

Activists lined up the road leading to Nejmeh Square in Downtown Beirut on that Friday, throwing tomatoes at SUVs and luxury vehicles as they made their way to the Parliament building to vote.

Instead of lining the streets, this year, the Civil Movement for Accountability sent a short notice in a small white box with a tomato inside. A sticker read, “No to extension.”

Interior Minister Nouhad Machnouk called it a “funny idea” saying it was “their right to express themselves in politics.”

Despite their efforts, Machnouk says its highly unlikely that a parliamentary election can be held this November.

“From my position as an interior minister, I do not think that the security situation allows for the election to be held in the next months,” he said. “We are all seeing and living these security developments, as we observe the conflict reaching Lebanon. As a preliminary observation, the security situation will prevent the election from being held on time.”

The Parliamentary election is scheduled for November, but is likely to be delayed.

Video of tomatoes being thrown last year:

[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A13Fgdoch1U” width=”500″ height=”300″]

Beirut’s central district to close Wednesday and Thursday for Parliament

(BEIRUT, LEBANON) — Several roads in Beirut’s central district will close on Wednesday and Thursday as Parliament meets to discuss the presidential void.

According to the Internal Security Forces, the roads connecting Zoukak al-Blat to Markaziah Center and Annahar Newspaper to Banks Street will close starting at 7am both days.

Roads are expected to reopen both days at the end of each session.

Parliament wage hike talks spark shouting match

BEIRUT: Parliament’s joint committees decided to hold further talks next week on a draft law to raise public sector salaries after failing Friday to agree over revenues and proposed taxes that would cover the increases estimated to cost the government over $1.6 billion annually.

The committees’ meeting, attended by 37 lawmakers and chaired by Deputy Speaker Farid Makari, came against the backdrop of a threat of escalatory measures by the Union Coordination Committee if the salary scale bill was not approved soon. The UCC represents public sector employees and teachers.

With the presence of Finance Minister Ali Hasan Khalil and Education Minister Elias Bou Saab, lawmakers from the March 8 and March 14 parties discussed for more than five hours articles pertaining to finding sources to finance the salary increases, and they are expected to continue Monday.

Khalil said all parliamentary blocs were unanimous in agreeing that the public sector salary scale was a rightful demand that must be met soon.

“We did not hear during the discussions different viewpoints. It was made clear that the salary scale is a right that should be approved as soon as possible,” Khalil told a joint news conference with MP Ibrahim Kanaan after the meeting.

However, Khalil, who belongs to Speaker Nabih Berri’s parliamentary bloc, stressed the need for all parties to search for financial resources to cover the overall cost of the salary scale, which he estimated to be LL2,765 billion ($1.843 billion).

“It’s not a problem of figures, but a case of choices that need to be answered. There was a discussion about sources of financing,” he said.

Kanaan, head of the parliamentary Finance and Budget Committee, said revenues were important to finance the salary scale.

“There were two draft laws: one for the salary scale and the other for financing it,” he said. He added that progress was made in articles pertaining to finding revenues through proposed taxes.

Despite agreement among lawmakers that the salary scale is a right for public sector employees and teachers, sharp differences emerged during the meeting mainly between Khalil and Kanaan over the revenue figures, to the extent that journalists sitting in a nearby room heard shouting in the Parliament hall.

The disagreement erupted when discussion began over the state’s estimated revenues from dues on building licenses. The government’s draft law estimated the revenues at LL700 billion, while a subcommittee headed by Kanaan put it at LL600 billion, and Khalil estimated LL75 billion.

When Kanaan told Khalil that the LL75 billion was not correct, the latter responded: “Am I a liar? You are impolite.”

The spat between Kanaan and Khalil led to shouting and commotion that lasted about half an hour.

At one point, Hezbollah MP Hasan Fadlallah and MP Alan Aoun stepped out of the Parliament hall and met briefly in a room, after which Aoun asked Kanaan to remain calm and avoid a problem with Khalil.

MPs from Berri’s bloc also intervened to pacify the situation, which eventually led to a joint news conference held by Khalil and Kanaan.

Meanwhile, Hanna Gharib, head of the UCC, warned of an open-ended strike should Parliament fail to approve the salary scale proposal.

“Any postponement to approve the salary scale will lead to further escalation, including a strike, a sit-in, even an open-ended strike and a boycott of official exams,” Gharib told reporters after meeting Makari.

Civil servants and teachers staged a general strike Wednesday in protest of Parliament’s delay in passing the salary scale bill.

Source: The Daily Star

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