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(LOS ANGELES, CA) — House of Lebanon participated in the 35th Annual Brookside Block Party in Los Angeles, CA on June 23. According to House of Lebanon’s Facebook page, the event allowed them to “meet our new neighbors and be part of the community where we purchased our new Lebanese American cultural center.”
Brookside Block Party is “LA’s longest continuously running block party.” Funds obtained from sponsorship are used to support community safety, historic preservation, disaster preparedness, and activities like holiday caroling with a horse-drawn wagon in the Brookside neighborhood and Movie Night in the Park.
“It is important for House of Lebanon to be part of events that benefit the community we are part of,” said Ferris Wehbe, Board Member. “We have moved to our newly purchased cultural center just last year and this is our second year being sponsors at the Brookside Block Party.”
Photo courtesy of House of Lebanon, Lebanese American Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. For more information, visit
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