
Geagea: Lebanon would be ISIS’ “graveyard”


samir-geagea(BEIRUT, LEBANON) — Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea said Lebanon will be the end of ISIS fighters if they decide to come, adding that he will refuse to withdraw from the presidency without a solution to the conflict.

“I have never underestimated ISIS’ criminality. On the contrary, I see them as a group of criminals because I could never imagine a human being could slaughter a hostage in cold blood in front of a camera,” Geagea told Ash-Sharq al-Awsat.

“Who said ISIS will come to Lebanon or that they are capable of reaching Lebanon? If they come, (Lebanon) would be their graveyard to say the least.”

Geagea also said that Lebanon should close its borders to prevent the infiltration of ISIS fighters from Syria, blaming Hezbollah for the government’s failure to seal off borders.

“So why not close the border? They say that the number of troops is not enough. That is correct but there are 50 countries that want to help the Army control the Lebanese-Syrian border,” said Geagea, who supports recruiting a peacekeeping force along the border with Syria. 

“Why don’t we take advantage of such offers since they would use technologically developed means that would only require five soldiers to monitor every 10 kilometers?” he asked.

Geagea urged Christians in Iraq not to fear ISIS and to “hold on to their land and unite.” He added that Christians can only live and survive under a democratic system.

“Christians are the roots of culture there … they did not arrive to that land yesterday. I realize it’s difficult and we have to help them but they should hold on to their land.”

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