A petition is circulating on Change.org asking Paypal to expand their payment services to Lebanon.
Paypal is currently available in other Middle Eastern countries like Yemen and Somalia but not Lebanon.
Jason Karim, the petition organizer, is asking for only 500 signatures before he forwards the petition to the tech giant.
“PayPal is one of the essential payment services around the world, and still, it has not been deployed in the Lebanese market,” Karim wrote.
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He believes if the app is made available, it would help local businesses make safe and secure transactions with consumers.

“This petition will help Lebanese (YouTubers), small business owners, the general public, artists, and many more get (paid),” Karim added.
In 2013, a senior Paypal manager promised to bring the service to Lebanon by the end of the year, but the initiative later fizzled out.
“This is a must service for Lebanon,” wrote one of the petition supporters. “Technology is increasing and the demand to pay online is growing, so Paypal is a must!”
To learn more about the petition or to add support to the initiative, click here.