Plans to introduce fiber-optic Internet in Lebanon are in the works, the leader of Lebanon’s state-run telecommunications firm confirmed Tuesday in a tweet.
Imad Kreidieh, the chairman of Ogero Telecom, tweeted that the Audit Bureau of Lebanon has approved the company’s plan to install fiber-optic cables across the country.
مساء الخير للجميع. بكثير من السعادة ابشركم بموافقة ديوان المحاسبة على البدء بتنفيذ مشروع الالياف الضوئية على كامل الاراضي اللبنانية. بانتظارنا ٤ سنوات من العمل الجدي. القافلة انطلقت و لن يستطيع احد ايقافها. مبروك للبنان و اللبنانيين.
— Imad Kreidieh (@ikreidieh) June 5, 2018
According to the Speedtest Global Index, as of April 2018, Lebanon had the third slowest ‘Fixed Broadband’ speeds in the world.

Experts believe the installation of fiber-optic cables in the country will establish a better Internet and TV infrastructure and greatly increase the average Internet speeds.
Fiber-optic is considered one of the fastest forms of receiving Internet.
Google Fiber, for example, promises speeds of 1 GBit/s while traditional cable maxes out at around 200 MBit/s.