Salam to UN: Lebanon needs more development aid

Salam to UN: Lebanon needs more development aid

Prime Minister Tammam Salam and Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil attend the 70th United Nations General Assembly in New York on September 26, 2015. (Photo via Tammam Salam Official Facebook)

(NEW YORK) — Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Salam on Saturday asked for more development aid from the international community during his remarks before international leaders at the 2015 Sustainable Development Summit.

Salam said the Syrian refugee crisis placed an economic burden on Lebanon, and that the small country could not handle the influx of more refugees. He believes more international aid would help ease the burden.

“The international community’s reaction to a crisis of this size hasn’t been at the required level,” Salam said. “We need to recognize the importance of putting an end to armed conflicts, terrorism and sectarian violence to guarantee security and stability.”

The prime minister added that economic status should not be a sole determinant in international aid distribution.

Lebanon, which is classified by the World Bank in the upper middle income category, does not receive economic aid based on poverty levels. Salam said this system should be reconsidered.

“It is crucial to review the notion of ‘middle-income countries’ because it penalizes many nations who lose their access to aid while they may be  in more urgent need,” he said.

The Sustainable Development Summit aims to create a 15-year agenda that serves interests of the international community and tackles developmental goals over the next decade, according to a UN report.

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